Flexibility and Mobility
Bend "Don't Break"
Musculoskeletal flexibility refers to the range of motion in a joint or sequence of joints. Joint movement throughout the full range of motion helps to improve and maintain flexibility. Those with greater total body flexibility may have a lower risk of back injury. Engaging regularly in stretching exercises and a variety of physical activities that require one to stoop, bend, crouch, and reach may help maintain a level of flexibility that is compatible with quality activities of daily living.
(Ehrman, Gordon, Visich and Keteyian, 2019)

Cardio Fitness
An Endorphin Release
Cardiorespiratory fitness, or aerobic capacity, refers to the body’s ability to perform high-intensity activity for a prolonged period of time without undue physical stress or fatigue. Having higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness enables people to carry out their daily occupational tasks and leisure pursuits more easily and with greater efficiency.
(Ehrman, Gordon, Visich and Keteyian, 2019)

Muscle Hypertrophy
A Natural Confidence Boost
Muscle hypertrophy is the term given to the enlargement of muscle fiber cross-sectional area (CSA) following training. This is the result of both a moderate to higher number of repetitions per set (6 to 12) and the commonly recommended three to six sets per exercise. Typical strategies for the length of rest periods are less than 1.5 minutes or a span of 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes.
(Haff and Triplet, 2016)

Strength Training
A More Functional Self
Muscular strength and endurance are the ability of skeletal muscles to perform work that is hard or prolonged or both. Regular use of skeletal muscles helps improve and maintain strength and endurance, which greatly affects the ability to perform the tasks of daily living without undue physical stress and fatigue. Examples of tasks of daily living include home maintenance and household activities such as sweeping, gardening, and raking.
(Ehrman, Gordon, Visich and Keteyian, 2019)

Sport Specific Training
Performance Enhancer
The more similar the training activity is to the actual sport movement, the greater the likelihood that there will be a positive transfer to that sport. This is the specificity concept, also called the specific adaptation to imposed demands (SAID) principle.
(Haff and Triplet, 2016)

Injury Prevention Training
Prevention is Better Than Cure
Injury prevention training is a type of program that aims to minimize the risk of injury during physical activity or exercise. It typically involves warm-up and cool-down exercises, stretching, strength training, balance training, and proper technique and form. Injury prevention training is crucial in reducing the risk of muscle strains, falls, and other accidents, enabling individuals to stay healthy and active for longer periods of time.
Potach, D. and Meira, E. (2023) Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.